Our health is a product of our environment

Where you are born has more impact on how long you will live than genetics. And by how much?

Genetics accounts for about 10-20%. A study of over 54 million family trees (over 400 million people) has identified that genetics might account for as low as 7% of longevity. That means 80-90% is from the environment. On top of that, mental and physical activity accounts for the quality of life.

There is a big difference between living to 90 in a nursing home and living to 90 going on jogs in the morning.

Our story began with a small gym in Quarry Bay called Asphodel. At the same time, working in a corporate job, and watching how many of the companies are setting up their employees for a lifetime of negative health issues without even realising they are doing it, we realised our impact was limited to only the people who could afford to walk through our doors and that got us thinking: how could we make it so that someone didn’t even need to ask what is wellness?

From there, Keep Moving Project was born.

The Keep Moving Project is run under Asphodel as a social enterprise activity. The goal of the project is $0 profitability, making our structure essentially a non-profit entity. However, we use commercial means to achieve our mission.

We believe that health is a necessity and not a luxury available only for those lucky enough to have it.

Our brands include KMP RECESS, a corporate wellbeing arm and is the primary funding source of our other projects, and KMP KIDS, a social enterprise initiative focused on training PE teachers and children in fun and effective fitness and sport methods. We also volunteer to teach fitness and sports within various organisations in the region.